Saturday, December 18, 2010

Installing Skype on Meego 1.1

To install skype on Meego 1.1 first head over the skype downloads page and download the latest Fedora rpm.  Now open a terminal and type:

sudo zypper install skype-

You will receive a warning like this:
Problem: nothing provides qt4-x11 >= 4.2 needed by skype-
 Solution 1: do not install skype-
 Solution 2: break skype by ignoring some of its dependencies
Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/c] (c): c

Just select option 2 and continue with the installation.

Skype running on Meego 1.1

Notice in the screen shot the font is all messed up?  That's because of the missing QT4 dependency.  Everything still works fine though so it's not a huge deal.  Hopefully the QT4 dependency will be added to the 1.1 repository soon and the problem will be fixed.  I'm pleased to report that my mic and webcam worked without any configuration.  If anyone knows a solution to the font problem please leave a comment.


  1. Great guide! Thx a lot, finaslly I've been able to take rid of that qt4-X11 warning and successfully install Skype.

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